Hopefully you all caught the Hereford and Charolais grooming competition! Check back at 2pm on the Grey's Channel tab for Shorthorn and Simmental groominhg competitions!

4pm is the Jackpot Yearling Heifer competition! Don't miss out!

Tuesday 28 June 2011

Wray Ranch Adventures

Growing up an all beef farm girl, I realized I know nothing of other agricultural industries. After getting some valuable crop information from Trigg Pittman, I had the privilege to adventured to some more young farmers yards! I can tell ya' one thing for sure, the future of Agriculture is looking bright! 

first I got an introduction the pigs
Then the chickens!

Friday 24 June 2011

Are Cows Green?-Absolutely Agriculture

Are Cows Green?

Beef and the environment: working together more than you thought.

My love for cattle and agriculture was a common topic with my University of Alberta residence floor friends this year on 5 Henday. Everyone knew I loved cows. And that I flew and drove all over to go do cow-related things. But I'm not entirely sure they understood why.

I've found some pretty unique opportunities to educate.
Here's a recent Facebook wall post I received from one of my 5 Henday friends from Vancouver, Rob.
" It occurs to me that I've never heard you out when it comes to cows. I assume they're bad for the environment from all the hipster/soy/lefty stuff I read but maybe I'm wrong? I'd enjoy hearing you out over some free range organic chicken in the future."
First, I laughed at this post. Clearly Rob's a funny guy. But he also raises an important issue. The "hipster/soy/lefty stuff" he refers to are sources that show beef and agriculture in a negative light due to their environmental impact.

Often, they are largely opinion based. They also make sense to consumer. Cows make methane, methane is bad for Earth, therefore cows are bad and we should stop eating them. Logical sequence, yes? Not quite.

Myth #1: Cows are destroying the ozone layer.

Fact: The contribution by cattle to global warming that may occur in the next 50-100 years is a little less than 2% (PubMed). Methane is a byproduct of ruminant digestion, which cattle, bison, sheep, and goats carry out. Ruminant digestion makes it possible for cattle to convert food not fit for human consumption, like grasses and rejected malting barley. Cattle are responsible for about 14% of global methane emissions (EPA), but that number is declining. The more efficient cattle can be raised, the less methane they produce.

Myth #2: Modern beef cattle are far worse for the environment than those raised decades ago.
Fact: Advancements to cattle, such as how fast they grow, how much weight they gain, and how much time they need to reach market weight are accomplished through genetic selection and a lot of scientific research. Most consumers think the more modified the cow, the worse they are for the environment. 

Actually, it works the opposite way. A Washington State University study found that a pound of beef raised in 2007 used 20 percent less feed, 30 percent less land, 14 percent less water and 9 percent less fossil fuel energy than in 1977, while also generating 18 percent fewer carbon emissions. (Explore Beef- Stewardship). What this means is that fewer resources and a smaller carbon footprint are being used to give consumers more beef. In the early 1900's, it took between three to five years to produce an 843 pound beef carcass in Western Canada. Today, it takes less than 24 months.(Canadian Beef and the Environment)

Myth #3: Grass fed cattle emit far less methane.

"Grain-fed cattle produce38% fewer greenhouse gas emissions than grass-fed cattle."

Grassfed cattle are cited in many sources as to be higher methane producers, including this Pro-Grassfed article by John Robbins. More efficient cattle will produce less methane in their lifetime. Keep in mind, there are many studies out there about methane emissions and cattle. This is one study. If you have a conflicting one, I'd like to see it.

Myth #4: Cattle don't do anything good for the environment.
Grazing cattle on non-arable land (land that cannot produce crops or be developed), think coulees and rolling hills, is a practise that ensures the land used to raise cattle could not be used for any other purpose. If we did not have cattle on this land eating the grass and walking on it, we would have large erosion and plant decay problems. Plants need to have constant regrowth in order to stay rooted in the soil, and keep the soil from blowing away.
So, what's your point?
The environmental impact of cattle does exist. But farmers and ranchers are working hard to become more sustainable and environmentally friendly each day. It is in the best interest of livestock producers to get cattle to market in a short time, using the least input, which in turn produces less gas, uses less fuel, water, and other natural resources.

I believe that when taken together, the facts prove that not raising cattle would cause greater environmental harm than raising them for meat.
What do you think?
Big thanks to Rosie Templeton for the Awesome guest blog! Check out her site Absolutely Agriculture

Thursday 23 June 2011

Ultimate Sandwich

Like every other typical day on the farm, we finally get into the house just before dark! And to fill those ever so hungry tummy's I have the Ultimate sandwich just for you!
Yep its dangerously delicious!
My Sister is the master Chicken Chef:
You chop up your chicken and toss 'er in a pan. Since we're to lazy to measure you just guess :)
So the chicken sauce consist of BBQ sauce, Ketchup, spices and some Brown Sugar=heaven
Due to the fact she can't handle "crazy vegetables" such as peppers and onions we just leave her to the meat cookin!
while you have that little batch of deliciousness cooking up you put some garlic bread in the oven.
In a seperate pan melt a good dose of butter add peppers, onions, corn and a few peas, then a splash of water, cover and cook for only a couple minutes.
I like to do the "healthy" thing, so I threw in some cinamon and nutmeg just because I can, and its the bomb! I highly recomend it. Stir that up for a few minutes then grate some mozza cheese on the top put some pepper on that and cover it again for a few minutes.
once your garlic bread is done put a dap of three cheese ranch on it, then your veggie mix and chicken.
And KABLAMOO! You have one real good sandwich!

Monday 20 June 2011

Monday 13 June 2011

Many apologies

So I'm gonna start off by saying so sorry for the lack of the Drayton Valley livestreaming however I was promised Internet but the manager of the facilities would not allow it. Everyone knows free advertising is terrible! Right?

Luckily to make it up to you all I've interviewed Trigg Pittman a hard core, young gunnin' two yr old farmer! So stay tuned it'll be worth it!

Friday 3 June 2011

Branded DMM

Alright ladies and Gents,
 It's time I give you the d.l. on myself. I'm sure you've all figured out I'm a beef producer by now! However when I'm not on the farm I'm in a completely opposite world! I've been a model since I was 14 and have loved every minute of it!
I loved it so much I started making my own clothing! for now I'm just playing around making whatever I feel like.
I'll be attending Olds College in the fall for the Apparel technology program as well as getting my hands back on a volleyball, and I'm pretty darn excited! Since my parent's Miller Wilson Angus company is already rather large with the cattle, I decided once I start seriously designing clothing It'll be a sub section of M.W., Miller Wilson Clothing. Where I will try my hardest to brand the public with snazzy DMM clothing!
Now to kick start my "Branding the World DMM" I'm gonna give you the chance to win a MW hoodie!
(Don't worry boys I can make manly ones for you too)

To win all you have to do is comment with a little write up of what you do for a living and why, then have your friends vote for you in the "Get branded DMM" gadget (that'll be up after the first two comments) on the right hand side of the page. It's simple most votes win!