Hopefully you all caught the Hereford and Charolais grooming competition! Check back at 2pm on the Grey's Channel tab for Shorthorn and Simmental groominhg competitions!

4pm is the Jackpot Yearling Heifer competition! Don't miss out!

Thursday 5 May 2011

The bare naked truth!

   Due to the fact that I've spent my entire life on a farm raising my own beef and growing my own food, I never gave any thought to the fact most people have no idea where their beef comes from. It's been until my recent years of valuable research...... well until my recent years of bar crawling and meeting new people that I've come to the conclusion people need to know! No your beef doesn't magically appear from your grocery store freezer! To this day I'm still shocked that when I explain I'm a farm girl who shows cows I get the "Wait..... You have cows, and you do what with them?"

   Well I'm here ladies and gentlemen to strip it down for ya! Hold onto your horses 'cuz this is gonna get juicy!


  1. Hi Dakota
    Blog looks great. I invite you to follow along on our blog to at http://www.highcountrycattle.blogspot.com

  2. I'll do that for sure! thanks Dee

  3. Looking forward to reading more! It really is amazing how little the average person knows about their food!

    Sarah from The House That Ag Built

  4. I know its always shocking! I'm just not sure where to go from here!
